Clean DDD Architecture Workshop English

Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture in Practical Use

  • Modern architectural approaches for experienced enterprise developers and software architects.
  • The concepts taught are put into practice in extensive demonstration and exercise sessions.
  • Incl. Q&A session after the training, see agenda.


Jakarta Enterprise applications are typically service-oriented and implemented with a classic layered architecture. However, due to the current discussion about microservices, Domain-Driven Design and the associated object-oriented programming are experiencing growing attention again.

In this context, the term Clean Architecture plays an important role. And last but not least, executable deployment units must be implemented for the Jakarta Enterprise platform, which can take the form of so called Business Components.

In this training, participants will learn an integrated and holistic concept for a modern, distributed software architecture based on Jakarta EE (JEE). The workshop is aimed at practice and teaches the implementation of this architectural concept by the example of a proven reference implementation. However, the training content taught and the practical implementation are conceptually transferable to other object-oriented programming languages like e.g. C# or application frameworks such as for example Spring (Boot).

After this training, we offer all participants an individual Q&A session for questions about the topic. All interested colleagues are also invited. Duration: approx. 1 hour, online.


Clean DDD Architecture – Introduction

JEE application as a reference implementation

  • Setting up the application (application server, database, etc.)
  • Introduction to the business aspects and data model of the application
  • Multi tier architecture and use of JEE platform
  • Overview of the target architecture using the practical case study

Domain-Driven Design (DDD according to E. Evans)

  • DDD basic concepts
  • Decomposition of the Domain into Bounded Contexts (horizontal vs. vertical slices)
  • Implementation of Building Blocks (entity, factory, repository, etc.)

Clean Architecture (according to R. C. Martin)

  • Clean Architecture as a consolidated approach (Ports & Adapters, Onion Architecture, etc.)
  • Dependency Rule and Dependency Inversion
  • Derivation of package structures

Business Components

  • Concept of Component-Based Development (CBD)
  • Business Components as DDD Bounded Contexts
  • Business Components with internal Clean Architecture
  • Deployment units and remoting technologies
  • Derivation of project structures

Cross-cutting tasks and quality assurance

  • Aspects of relational data storage (concurrency, tenants, auditing, etc.)
  • Cross-cutting concerns (transactions, exceptions, message texts, etc.)
  • Definition and monitoring of architecture rules with tools (ArchUnit)
  • Test strategies for a Clean DDD Architecture (JUnit, injection container, etc.)

An exemplary Jakarta Enterprise application is used throughout the workshop as a reference implementation. All topics covered are demonstrated within the scope of this application. In the extensive practical part, the participants expand the application to include an additional business area so that all concepts taught can be put to practical use.

Q&A session after the training
After this training, we offer all participants an individual Q&A session for questions about the topic. All interested colleagues are also invited. Duration: approx. 1 hour, online.

Teilnehmerkreis und Voraussetzungen

This training is aimed at experienced JEE developers and software architects who are interested in modern architectural approaches. Basic knowledge of the most important JEE technologies such as CDI, EJB, JPA, Bean Validation and JAX-RS is required.


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    Tim Neumann


    Stieghorster Straße 60
    33605 Bielefeld

    Kantstraße 164
    10623 Berlin

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