Kotlin course

Introduction to basic and advanced concepts of the language Kotlin

  • Introduction to basic and advanced concepts of the language
  • Overview of the Kotlin Ecosystem: Libraries & Frameworks
  • Practical examples and exercises to reinforce what has been learned



This seminar offers a structured introduction to the Kotlin language, by first the basics and possibilities procedural and object-oriented programming will be presented. The functional programming is based on this
and teaches advanced concepts of the language. The theory is always followed by exercises and practical examples that reinforce what has been learned.


Course content

I. Kotlin – Motivation

  • What is Kotlin?
  • history
  • Why Kotlin instead of Java?
  • areas of application
  • philosophy
  • tools

II. Kotlin – Basics

  • Base types, literals, strings, regexps, collections
  • functions and variables
  • control structures
  • exceptions
  • Dependencies, integration of external libraries

III. Kotlin OOP

  • Class declaration and inheritance
  • interfaces
  • extensions
  • enum classes
  • data classes
  • Sealed Classes
  • delegation
  • The "object" keyword
  • Generics in Kotlin

IV: Advanced Topics

  • Lambda expressions with Kotlin
  • Lambdas and Collections
  • inline functions
  • coroutines
  • How Kotlin handles null issues
  • Kotlin Type System: Primitive Types
  • Kotlin Type System: Collections & Arrays
  • Annotation & Reflection
  • Construction of a Domain Specific Language (DSL)

V. Kotlin in everyday life

  • Kotlin project with Gradle
  • Kotlin project with Maven
  • Documenting Kotlin code
  • Testing Kotlin code
  • Java Interoperability: Call Java code from Kotlin
  • Java Interoperability: Call Kotlin code from Java
  • Overview of the standard library
  • Useful Libraries

Teilnehmerkreis und Voraussetzungen

Who should take part

The course is aimed at developers and architects who are looking for an introduction to the Kotlin language or who have already had initial experience with it, as well as project managers who are looking for a modern, lean language that can be used both in the backend as well as can be used on the frontend. Knowledge of another programming language is an advantage, but not mandatory.

Minimum number of participants: 3 people



3 Tage
Rabatt ab 2 Personen
Plätze frei

1.860,00 €

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    Tim Neumann


    Stieghorster Straße 60
    33605 Bielefeld

    Kantstraße 164
    10623 Berlin

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